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发表日期:2008-03-06 作者:高源



褚老师首先向我们展示了他去福建漳州参加林语堂纪念会的图片,与会者众多,充分表现了林语堂作为一代文学大师在人们心中永恒的地位。褚老师随后展示了他对译者的两种划分:一种是artificial type,即经过后天接受教育培训出来的译者;一种则是natural type,即应环境而生的译者。他认为自己既不属于前者,也不属于后者,而是居于其中,即semi-artificial, semi-natural的译者,褚老师的风趣为现场带来了阵阵笑声。

在第二部分,褚老师为林语堂的身份做了一个定位。他认为林首先是一个thinker, 一个essayist。 代表作有《My country and my people》,《The importance of living》。Lin is the first major author to produce best-selling works worldwide。其次他认为林是一个novelist。代表作有《Moment in Peking》,《A leaf in the storm》。前者中文书名为《京华烟云》,相信大家早已耳熟能详了。林的其他几个身份是linguist,inventor,lexicographer,journalist,biographer,educator。其作为教育家有一段名言读了令人深省。The educational establishment only encourages students to read for degrees or diplomas, the purpose of the reading should be to get enlightenment, knowledge, nourishment of the soul. 最后褚老师谈到了林作为著名译者这个身份。其主要代表作有《The English translations: the importance of understanding》,《The wisdom of Confucius》,《The wisdom of Laotse》等等。他对林的个性总结为:an enterprising, versatile, creative individual.

在第三部分褚老师介绍了林成为一个accidental translator的原因。主要有四个原因:1, lin never wanted to be a translator in his early years. 2, lin happened to acquire a translator’s potential. 3, the translator’s potential in lin happened to be actualized. 4, lin never stopped to be a translator.

最后褚老师为我们学习翻译提了几点建议:As students of translation, we shall be masters of language. We shall be a larger vision that transcends translation. We shall be dedicated to what we do and make a difference with it.