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博士,suncity太阳新城云山青年学者,硕士生导师,广东省海外博士后引进计划人才,国际影视翻译大会Media For All学术委员会专家成员,中国翻译协会影视译制委员会专家成员。研究领域为翻译技术与视听翻译教学、影视翻译、人文关怀与人工智能翻译软件开发。2013年毕业于suncity太阳新城,同年10月获广州市政府“菁英计划”全额资助赴英国卡迪夫大学现代语言学院攻读影视传媒翻译博士。2019年1月起于英国莱斯特大学艺术学院翻译系任口译讲师。2020年5月起于中山大学国际翻译学院从事人工智能与视听翻译教学研究博士后。

主持相关领域的多项科研和教研项目,主要包括教育部产学合作协同育人项目、广东省哲学社会科学规划项目、广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目等。任多家SSCI、A&HCI翻译学、传播学等顶级期刊审稿专家,如Target, Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, Critical Arts等。2021年获中山大学学科建设经费资助出版学术专著《跨语言和跨文化转换——论英文电影的中文字幕翻译》, 以独立作者身份在 Babel, Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts等核心和重点学术期刊发表学术论文近20篇。





  1. 多语种应用翻译特色多模态语料库建设与应用,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,2024.11-2025.11

  2. 智能化实时字幕的翻译质量评估研究与教学应用(GD24WZXC02-13),广东省哲学社会科学规划2024年度“外语专项”项目,2024.05-2026.05

  3. 高等教育数字化治理与数字化评价实施路径探索——以多维交互弹幕技术赋能《翻译技术与管理》课程为例,2022年广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目(高等教育教学改革项目),2023.1-2025.1(申请结项中)

  4. 中国影视作品数字化译创传播研究(2024WTSCX119),广东省普通高校特色创新类项目,2024.08-2026.08

  5. 新媒体翻译规范与创新对国际传播的影响研究(CTS202109),广东省人文社会科学重点研究基地项目,2021.12-2023.12 (已结项)


  1. 广州建设国家级国际传播创新研究基地研究:中国当代新主流电影外译对广州本土影视外译的启示(2022GZGJ217),广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划2022年度项目,2022.05-2024.05 (已结项)


  1. 人机多模态交互——智慧“译前中后”赋能人工译文最优化,2024.06-2024.12

Research Interest

- Audiovisual Translation

- Translation Technology

-AI-Mediated Translation and Interpreting Pedagogy

Lisi’s primary research areas of interest are audiovisual translation with particular focus on transcreation, danmu-driven communication and online collaborative subtitling, translation technology, and, Chinese new media and screen culture and identity. She is also interested in using cross-disciplinary theories and concepts such as creative economy, education in drama and attention control to study audience reception on audiovisual products.

Publications (selected)


Liang, L. (2022). Subtitling English-Language Films for a Chinese Audience: Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Transfer. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-Sen University Press.

Translated Work

Liang, L. (Forthcoming). Díaz Cintas & Remael (2021): Subtitling: Concepts and Practices. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-Sen University Press.

Edited Volume

Lu, S., Lu, S. & Liang, L. (2025). Danmu-mediated Communication and Audiovisual Translation in the Digital Age. Routledge: New York. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003475422

Book Chapter

Liang, L. (2022). A Sense of (Multiple) Connection: New Subtitling Practice of the Little Red in the Chinese Context. In Frontiers in News Media Translation, edited by Zhang, J. & Qin, J. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Liang, L. & Lu, S. (Forthcoming). An audience reception study of danmu-enabled humour in multimodal texts. Visual Communication. [SSCI]

梁丽丝,范若恩. (待发). 数字化译创与中国电视剧英译的海外接受度研究——以《庆余年》为例. 翻译研究与教学. [CSSCI]

Liang, L. (2023). The Chinese Oliver Twist: Transcreation in Digital Subtitling Settings, Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, 9(3), 352-378. [ESCI, Scopus Q1]

Liang, L. (2023). How Humour Travels in the New and Dynamic Mediascape: A Case Study of a Short Video Platform Little Red Book and an Online Teaching Platform Rain Classroom, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 10, 318, 1-11. [A&HCI, SSCI]

Liang, L. (2023). Review of Díaz Cintas & Remael (2021): Subtitling: Concepts and Practices, Babel: International Journal of Translation, 69(2), 301-304. [A&HCI, SSCI]

Liang, L. (2022). How Covid-19 Changes the Way We Approach Pedagogy for Translation. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization, 9(2), 230-252. [Scopus Q4]

Liang, L. (2022). Reconfigurating a Chinese Superhero through the Dubbed Versions of Monkey King: Hero is Back (2015), Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9, 369, 1-9. [A&HCI, SSCI]

Liang, L. (2022). Illuminating Humanist Nature in Teaching Translation and Interpreting Studies: Devising an Online Customisable AI-Driven Subtitling Course, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9, 378, 1-10. [A&HCI, SSCI]

Liang, L. (2021). PhD Thesis Abstract: Subtitling English-Language Films for a Chinese Audience: Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Transfer. New Voices in Translation Studies 25, i-iv. [ESCI, Scopus Q2]

Liang, L. (2020). Reshaping History: Cultural and Temporal Transfer in a Subtitled Heritage Film Oliver Twist (2005). Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 3(1), 26-49. [MLA]

Liang, L. (2020). Subtitling Bridget Jones’s Fantasy World: The Transfer of Sexuality and Gender in a Chick Flick. International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, 8(4), 1-13. [MLA]