姓名: 陈思佳
邮箱: sijia.rachel.chen@gmail.com
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8294-9284
2013–2018 语言学 哲学博士 麦考瑞大学
2010–2013 英语语言文学 文学硕士 厦门大学
2006–2010 英语语言文学 文学学士 厦门大学
Chen, S., & Doherty, S. (2025). Interpreting and technologies. In C. D. Mellinger (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting and Cognition (pp. 403–416). London: Routledge. (第一作者)
Chen, S. (2024). Effects of subtitles on vocabulary learning through videos: An exploration across different learner types. The Journal of Specialised Translation(42), 257–276. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S., & Kruger, J.-L. (2024). Visual processing during computer-assisted consecutive interpreting: Evidence from eye movements. Interpreting, 26(2), 231–252. (第一作者,SSCI)
Chen, S., & Kruger, J.-L. (2024). A computer-assisted consecutive interpreting workflow: Training and evaluation. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 18(3), 380–399. (第一作者,SSCI)
Chen, S., & Kruger, J.-L. (2023). The effectiveness of computer-assisted interpreting: A preliminary study based on English-Chinese consecutive interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 18(3), 399–420. (第一作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2022). The process and product of note-taking and consecutive interpreting: Empirical data from professionals and students. Perspectives, 30(2), 258–274. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S., Kruger, J.-L., & Doherty, S. (2021). Reading patterns and cognitive processing in an eye-tracking study of note-reading in consecutive interpreting. Interpreting, 23(1), 76–102. (第一作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2020a). The process of note-taking in consecutive interpreting: A digital pen recording approach. Interpreting, 22(1), 117–139. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2020b). The impact of directionality on the process and product in consecutive interpreting between Chinese and English: Evidence from pen recording and eye tracking. The Journal of Specialised Translation (34), 100–117. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2018b). Exploring the process of note-taking and consecutive interpreting: A pen-eye-voice approach towards cognitive load. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 12(4), 467–468. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2017a). The construct of cognitive load in interpreting and its measurement. Perspectives, 25(4), 640–657. (独立作者,SSCI)
Chen, S. (2017b). Note-taking in consecutive interpreting: New data from pen recording. Translation and Interpreting, 9(1), 4–23. (独立作者,ESCI)
Chen, S. (2016). Note-taking in consecutive interpreting: A review with special focus on Chinese-English literature. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 26, 151–171. (独立作者,SSCI)
Han, C., Chen, S., Fu, R., & Fan, Q. (2020). Modeling the relationship between utterance fluency and raters’ perceived fluency of consecutive interpreting. Interpreting, 22(2), 211–237. (第二作者,SSCI)
Han, C., & Chen, S. (2016). Strategy use in English-to-Chinese simultaneous interpreting. Forum, 14(2), 173–193. (第二作者,ESCI)