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广外著名教授论坛第267讲-Accuracy of interpreting in courtroom settings

作者: 时间:2015-07-01 

Accuracy of interpreting in courtroom settings

时间: 201573日下午1550-1700  

地点: 广外图书馆负一层报告厅  





Most Interpreting Codes of Ethics mention the requirement for “accuracy” or “faithfulness” as one of its main tenets. Most interpreters would also agree that this is their primary responsibility. However, the concept of accuracy is a complex one which is often ‘interpreted’ in many different ways. This paper will argue that the  meaning of accuracy depends on the type and mode of interpreting, the setting where the interpreter works, the institutional requirements and the working conditions under which an interpreter is working. It will focus on the meaning of accuracy in court interpreting, on the interpreter’s ethical requirements and on the feasibility of achieving the ideal standards required.



Profile of the Speaker:

Dr Sandra Hale is Professor of Interpreting and Translation at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She has a long career as Spanish interpreter, educator and researcher. She is a pioneer in community and court interpreting pedagogy and research and is recognised internationally as an authority in the field. She was made Fellow of AUSIT (the national professional association) in 2013 and awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Interpreting and Translation Studies from the University of Antwerp, in recognition for her innovative research, in 2014. Her books The Discourse of Court Interpreting and Community Interpreting are widely used as text books nationally and internationally, with the latter translated into Spanish and into Japanese. She has recently co-authored Research Methods in Interpreting with Jemina Napier, and has co-edited two other books Interpreting in Legal Settings with Debra Russell and Quality in Interpreting: a shared responsibility with Uldis Ozolins and Ludmila Stern. She has also published many articles and book chapters. She is currently working on two Australian Research Council funded projects on court interpreting, one project funded by the FBI on police interpreting and two on Interpreting in health settings.


For more details go to:https://hal.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/people/sandra-hale/